Saturday, December 13, 2008

Becky, you are inspiring, how do you do it? Sometimes it is just not as easy for all of us common people, but I am going to try since I truly enjoy your blogs!  What a great way to keep everybody updated with family happenings! Here is to a Happy New Year! My resolution, to keep up with the Jones'! Ha, Ha!! I will try to figure this out! For now, Merry Christmas! 


  1. I too and trying to keep up with the Jones' I think I might have to try this blog instead of the website. I haven't figured all this out I have to keep up with the Stauffers.

  2. Oh, you guys don't have to keep up with us! But I am glad to see you are!! ;) I LOVE that you have a blog now Carol! This is great, now we can check in with you and see how all the MO fam is doing! We really miss you guys. I will be checking in regularly... Now that Grandpa has a spiffy new computer, he can keep up to date with your blog too!

  3. P.S.- I LOVE This photo of you guys with Santa! Classic! I hope this is your Christmas card photo ;)
